
Dr. Nora Beier receives NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship


Dr. Nora Beier received a prestigious NIH/NICHD Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32) to investigate the neural correlates of attention during speech comprehension. She is interested in whether attention is pre-allocated to particular words in time through rhythmic and non-rhythmic temporal predictions. Her work will use EEG, ERPs and behavioral measures. She works with mentors Dr. Mangun and Dr. Swaab.


John Nadra Awarded NEI Traineeship

John Nadra a fourth-year doctoral candidate, was awarded a National Eye Institute Traineeship for 2022-2023. He will gain additional training as part of the UC Davis Vision Science Training Program (T32). His research is focused on elucidating neural mechanisms of willed attention and visual perception. Congratulations John!

Sean Noah earns Ph.D. in Psychology

Dr. Sean Noah has successfully completed all requirements for the Ph.D. in Psychology. Sean’s research investigated the role of attention in vision. His dissertation titled, “The Neural Mechanisms of Visual Attention”, used electrophysiological recordings and machine learning methods in humans to investigate how the brain focuses attention on high-level objects in the visual world. Congratulations Sean!
Dr. Noah is currently a postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley.  

Travis Powell to join lab as doctoral student in 2020

Travis Powell, who is currently a Junior Specialist in the Center for Mind and Brain, will join the Psychology Doctoral Program in fall 2020. Travis received his B.S. in Psychology, and B.A. in Linguistics, will join the Mangun Lab as a studen investigating mechanisms of attention.

Sean Noah Awarded NEI Traineeship

Sean Noah, a second year doctoral student, was awarded a National Eye Institute Traineeship for 2019-2020. He will gain additional training as part of the UC Davis Vision Science Training Program (T32). His research is focused on elucidating neural mechanisms of visual attention, especially related to visual object perception. Congratulations Sean!

Ashley Royston earns Ph.D. in Psychology

Dr. Ashley Royston has successfully completed all requirements for her Ph.D. in Psychology. Ashley’s research investigated the role of attention in vision. Her dissertation titled, “Neural Mechanisms of Spatial Attention: Electrophysiological Studies of Attentional Feedback Priming in Human Primary Visual Cortex” used electrophysiological recordings in humans to measure early cortical visual processing as they performed a demanding visual task. Congratulations Ashley!
Dr. Royston is currently a User Research Engineer at Microsoft Corporation.

New NIMH grant will support studies of attentional control

A new $2.7M, five year grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to Dr. Mangun will support studies of attentional control using simultaneous EEG and fMRI recordings. The work will include advanced signal processing methods and machine learning approaches. The research program partners with the engineering team of Professor Mingzhou Ding at the University of Florida.


Dr. Mangun presents Radboud Excellence Lecture

In 2016, Dr. Mangun presented the Radboud Excellence Lecture in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The talk, titled, “Attention, Awareness and Free Will: From Synapse to Neural Systems”, provided a theoretic overview of the field of attention research, using examples from research in the lab, including studies using brain imaging, and macroscopic and cellular recordings of brain activity.