Position Title
Staff Research Associate
Sharon got her bachelor's degree in Experimental Psychology at UCSD. She was trained in ERP technique at the Salk Institute in Dr. Helen Neville's lab, where she investigated visual and auditory attention in typically developing and language-impaired children. She also conducted the first ERP studies looking at language development in infants, typically developing infants with focal lesions. Next, Sharon went on to set up an ERP lab for Dr. Patricia Kuhl at the University of Washington and continued to use ERP to investigate language development in babies with typical development and an autism spectrum disorder. Currently, in Dr. Mangun's lab, Sharon has used ERP and fMRI to look at differences in visual attention and cue processing in typical children and children with ADHD. Sharon is a research associate for both Dr. Mangun and Dr. David Corina's lab. In the Corina lab, she focuses on differences in attention and language development in preschool-age children with cochlear implants.